“There’s a lot to learn about the science and history of umami, but you also can learn a lot about it in a functional sense by trying different sources of umami in your meals.” “If all else fails, just keep…
Absolutely. The safety of MSG has been confirmed by its use for more than 100 years around the world, along with a substantial body of scientific evidence. While MSG is commonly known for its use in foods such as fast-food…
Known as “umami seasoning,” the popular flavor enhancer MSG has been associated with flavorful foods since it was discovered by Professor Kikunae Ikeda of Tokyo Imperial University in 1907. Though glutamate is found naturally in many foods, Dr. Ikeda discovered…
by Althea Zanecosky, MS, RD, LDN During the Covid-19 pandemic, Google searches for phrases like “can’t taste food” spiked around the world. Most people do experience a temporary change in the flavor (and often the smell) of food with a…
This post was sponsored by the Ajinomoto Group and appeared in SmartBrief on November 30, 2020. There is a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to food and nutrition, and many people can easily be swayed by opinions…
by Sylvia Klinger, DBA, MS, RD, LDN, CPT Mucho se ha dicho en relación a la necesidad de aprender a sazonar los alimentos de una manera que ayude gente a comer alimentos saludables y apetitosos. Se dice que sazonar los…
It’s time to address some common MSG myths and misconceptions. Let’s get straight to it: MSG MYTHS Myth: MSG is not natural. Fact: MSG is a purified form of naturally occurring glutamate. Because glutamate doesn’t like to be alone, sodium…
Nuestra sabrosa comida Latina Americana nos une de una manera única. En cualquier hogar que entres la comida es el enfoque central de cualquier evento.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Asian restaurants have been closing at a significantly higher rate than other restaurants. Hateful rhetoric and acts of discrimination, fueled by unfounded fear, is impacting Asian Americans and their businesses, leading to an unprecedented drop in sales and closures at twice the rate of any other restaurant category.
Kick menu boredom to the curb by adding umami flavor to your favorite dishes. If you’re interested in ramping up the umami flavor profile of your recipes, here are suggestions on using four excellent sources of umami that can be…
Glutamate plays an important role in digestion by increasing salivation, signaling that a meal contains protein, and fueling the cells of the GI tract. Ever wonder what are the effects of monosodium glutamate (MSG) in your body after you eat…
Sensitivity to monosodium glutamate (“MSG”) was virtually unheard of before it was given a name back in the 70’s. “Chinese restaurant syndrome,” so named for two reasons: A 1968 letter to the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine…