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“As registered dietitians explain, MSG is widely misunderstood and wrongly vilified. Here they explain what is MSG, what it’s used for, what people get wrong about it, and give the verdict on if it’s actually healthy or not.”

— article by Emily Laurence,, March 15, 2023

Excerpts from the article:

“Monosodium glutamate (more commonly known as MSG) has had a bad rap since the 1960s. Even now, six decades later, many people avoid foods that contain it—even without knowing exactly what MSG is.”

Certified nutritionist Mindy Lu noted: “While most people associate MSG with Asian foods, it is a widely used seasoning in foods of all cultures, especially if the food is packaged or processed. For example, you will find MSG in chips and snack foods like Doritos or Pringles, seasoning blends, sauces and condiments such as ketchup, barbecue sauce, frozen foods, packaged curry, and processed meats such as sausages, meat sticks and hot dogs. It truly is just everywhere.”

“Using MSG to add umami to veggie-filled soups, fish, salad dressings, and even on eggs are all ways to make nutrient-rich foods taste even more delicious, which may lead to more people eating them more often.”

Dietitian Jaclyn London agrees, saying that “most Americans don’t eat the recommended servings of vegetables a day, so the more delicious, flavorful ways people find to add them to meals make one’s overall diet healthier. She says that she herself uses MSG when she’s cooking to add flavor to stir-fries, roasted veggies and soups.”

“It’s important to know that scientific studies have repeatedly shown that MSG is safe unless it’s consumed in extremely high amounts. Instead of obsessively avoiding foods with MSG, London advocates for focusing on eating a diet high in nutrient-rich whole foods.”

Read the entire article here.