Are you new to cooking with MSG and would like to give it a try in your everyday foods and some simple recipes? If so, this video is for you! Introducing a new “Cooking with MSG” video series: 5 videos…
“MSG is the most misunderstood ingredient of the century. That’s finally changing.” — report by Maggie Hiufu Wong,, May 10, 2023 Excerpts from the report: “Calvin Eng, the owner of New York-based Cantonese-American restaurant Bonnie’s, isn’t shy about…
Are you interested in learning how to improve your traditional recipes by using MSG, and want to know more about how and when to add MSG to your cooking? If so, this new video series is for you! Introducing a…
“As registered dietitians explain, MSG is widely misunderstood and wrongly vilified. Here they explain what is MSG, what it’s used for, what people get wrong about it, and give the verdict on if it’s actually healthy or not.” — article…
Whether due to sickness or bad weather, being stuck at home can definitely feel limiting and can become dreary. To avoid menu boredom and provide comfort, being stuck at home is a good time to experiment with some ways to…
“Some people still claim to experience symptoms such as headaches or drowsiness after eating foods containing MSG but recent scientific research shows that, when consumed in moderation, MSG is harmless.” — an investigative report by Michael George and Analisa Novak,…
Monosodium glutamate, aka MSG, sounds far from nature, but is it? To answer that, let’s look at what it’s made of, where it comes from, and what happens to it in your body. “Natural.” There’s no official definition for the…
An insightful article on the Tasting Table website recently explored some of the best ways to use MSG in cooking. The article noted, “Many of America’s greatest chefs love using MSG. So let’s explore the best things that you, like…
When it comes to flavor, there’s sour, sweet, salty, and bitter. You can probably name foods that fall into each of those categories. But what is umami? “It’s that sometimes forgotten-about fifth element of taste that can be hard to…
Will the Goddess of Clean Eating at Goop accept comedian Jenny Yang’s invite to a healthy, MSG-seasoned feast? Can she be convinced to RSVP “yes” to dinner? A new campaign, called #DinnerWithGoop, debunking myths about MSG (monosodium glutamate, aka “umami…