Since its discovery in 1908, MSG has been used to enhance the taste of foods safely and effectively.
The extensive scientific research on glutamate and monosodium glutamate has been reviewed by scientists and regulators worldwide. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration and regulatory agencies around the world have concluded that MSG is safe for everyone.
MSG in Cooking
MSG helps bring out the natural flavors in a variety of foods. Soups, gravies, casseroles and sauces are examples of dishes that benefit from the proper use of MSG. Learn tips about cooking with MSG.
Glutamate in Food
Glutamate gives savory foods their umami taste. Glutamate occurs naturally in protein-containing foods and is produced in the human body for a variety of essential functions. Which foods are rich in glutamate?
Umami – Our 5th Taste
Taste receptors on the tongue detect five basic tastes, including umami, which is recognized as the savory taste. MSG is umami seasoning — the simplest, purest way to add the umami taste to food. Get to know Umami.
Science Center
Over decades, extensive scientific research has been conducted on monosodium glutamate. Regulatory authorities worldwide have found MSG to be safe and beneficial. Read about this extensive research.
What is MSG?
Monosodium glutamate, the popular flavor enhancer known as MSG, is the purest form of umami.
Whether you select glutamate-rich foods like tomatoes, Parmesan cheese, mushrooms, soy sauce — or MSG — the glutamate is the same. The human body does not distinguish between the glutamate found naturally in foods and the glutamate in MSG.
Trying to Eat Less Salt?: Using MSG to increase the umami taste in your recipes will result in lower sodium dishes that still taste good. MSG has two-thirds less sodium than table salt.