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MSG helps bring out the best natural flavors in a variety of foods such as meat, poultry, seafood, and vegetables.

Soups, casseroles, gravies and sauces are examples of dishes that can benefit from the proper use of MSG. While MSG harmonizes well with salty and sour tastes, it contributes little or nothing to sweet or bitter foods.

Finding yourself cooking at home more lately?… Kick menu boredom to the curb with “Easy Ways to Kick Up Umami Flavor in Your Favorite Dishes.”

Can MSG improve the flavor of any food?

MSG in cookingMSG (also known as monosodium glutamate or umami seasoning) does its best work when used with savory foods. These include foods that are protein-based (so meats, poultry, eggs and vegetable dishes). Other foods that can benefit from the umami taste of MSG are gravies, sauces and dressings. On the other hand, in the same way one would not put salt, pepper or seasonings in sweet foods, MSG won’t do anything for sweet dishes such as cakes, pastries, custards or puddings!

Won't MSG make food taste salty?

reduce sodiumWhile MSG does contain some sodium, it contains two-thirds less sodium than an equal portion of regular table salt. Table salt contains 39% sodium while MSG has about 12% sodium (per the USDA nutrient database). And because MSG is used in smaller amounts than salt to enhance flavor, the resulting sodium content is much less. MSG has nonetheless been proven to improve the tastiness of low salt (sodium) recipes by boosting the umami savory taste.

Is MSG a meat tenderizer?

Although it is sometimes added to condiments used to tenderize meat before cooking, MSG does not act as a meat tenderizer. Instead it functions as a umami taste enhancer giving an extra flavor boost to the meat being tenderized.

Will MSG make bad food taste better?

It’s a myth that using MSG in cooking can cover up bad tasting food or allow a cook to substitute low quality ingredients for higher quality produce. Monosodium glutamate only enhances the savory flavors that are already present; it doesn’t add new ones or mask “off” flavors. For more information, read 10 Facts About Monosodium Glutamate.